Considering that hair is my line of work, I was very intrigued by an article I spotted on (click the link below to check it out). The writer talks about not only her own adjustment period after snipping off seven inches of hair, but the reactions of men in her life.
I find myself witnessing this phenomenon on a daily basis and still I wonder why we grow so attached to lengthy strands?
Is it the desire to feel feminine? or simply knowing that men prefer long locks? Have we not figured out that some combination of wit, charm, and breasts will attract a man regardless of our coif?
As someone who is growing her hair past her chin for the first time in nearly a decade, I can honestly say that I'm feeling the attachment grow. Friends and colleagues, male and female, comment on how much they prefer it when in fact, I don't think it looks as stylish or polished,at its current shoulder length, as my shorter looks.
But I can't lie.... I'm obsessed with my new hair!
I'd love to know what my readers think on this topic...
please comment or email me with your opinions and I'll share them in a future post!

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